High-concentration Vitamin C Intravenous Infusion

Vitamin C cannot be produced by the body. Even when ingested in large quantities through supplements or other means, only a minimal amount can be absorbed, and the remainder is excreted from the body through urine. Moreover, consuming a large amount of vitamin C orally can enhance the absorption of iron ions that contribute to oxidative damage in the body.

By administering high-concentration vitamin C intravenously, it is possible to rapidly increase the concentration of vitamin C in the bloodstream and allow it to penetrate into individual cells.

Furthermore, it does not promote the absorption of iron ions.

Effects of high-concentration vitamin C drip

Cancer prevention

n 2005, researchers from the National Institutes of Health, the National Cancer Center, and the Food and Drug Administration jointly published a paper on the potential of high-concentration vitamin C infusion therapy as a treatment for cancer.

Prevention of colds, fatigue recovery

It has a strong immune-enhancing effect.

Moisturizing effect, skin-beautifying effect

It promotes skin hydration and inhibits excessive sebum secretion.

Whitening effect

By suppressing the synthesis of melanin, it helps improve dark spots and liver spots.

Anti-aging effect

It can help improve wrinkles and sagging by stimulating collagen synthesis.

Recommended for individuals with these concerns

  • Cancer prevention measures
  • Individuals concerned about pigmentation and wrinkles
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Individuals concerned about skin issues such as acne
  • Infectious diseases such as colds
  • Health issues due to stress

About the treatment

  • We recommend injection once every 1-2 weeks.
  • Each session takes approximately 1 to 1.5 hours.


Is there a difference in the effectiveness between consuming a large amount of vitamin C through supplements and receiving high-concentration vitamin C infusion?
With infusion, vitamin C directly reaches the entire body through the bloodstream, allowing for immediate effects. When taken orally, there is a limit to the amount of vitamin C that can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in the excess being excreted in urine. Infusion delivers vitamin C to every corner of the body, leading to higher effectiveness.
How long does a high-concentration vitamin C infusion take?
It is recommended to administer the infusion gradually over time to maintain a high concentration in the bloodstream, which maximizes the benefits for skin health. However, increasing the infusion speed may cause discomfort or pain in the blood vessels.
Are there any contraindications for receiving high-concentration vitamin C infusion?
Individuals with G6PD deficiency, those who are pregnant, undergoing dialysis, have poor kidney function, or have extremely poor nutritional status cannot undergo this treatment. It is necessary to undergo a prior examination to determine eligibility.
What is G6PD deficiency?
G6PD deficiency is a familial hemolytic anemia inherited in an X-linked recessive manner. It is estimated to affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. In Japan, it is a minority condition, affecting only 0.1% to 0.5% of the population. Individuals with G6PD deficiency are at risk of hemolytic anemia attacks if they receive high-concentration vitamin C infusion, hence the requirement for a preliminary examination.
I am unsure if I have G6PD deficiency.
You have the option to undergo a G6PD deficiency test (¥6,050). If you are receiving a high-concentration vitamin C drip of 25g or more, undergoing the test is mandatory.
Are there any side effects?
High-concentration vitamin C is generally considered a treatment with no side effects, but it may cause drowsiness, fatigue, and thirst.

Side effects, precautions

  • Vascular pain and internal bleeding may occur.
  • Patients with impaired renal function or those undergoing dialysis cannot receive this treatment.
  • Those with G6PD deficiency cannot receive this treatment.









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