Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

The human body is composed of approximately 60 trillion cells. Mesenchymal stem cells found in bone marrow and adipose tissue have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, such as fat cells, bone cells, muscle cells, and blood vessels. They also possess the power of repair and regeneration (self-healing ability) when there is injury or dysfunction in the body.

However, the number of stem cells decreases with aging. The purpose is to replenish the diminished stem cells in order to repair damaged areas, address abnormalities, and rejuvenate aging parts of the body. At our clinic, we provide adipose-derived stem cell therapy for chronic pain.

Adipose Stem Cells

Adipose-derived stem cells possess two main characteristics: "differentiation ability" and "self-repair ability." Other stem cells with similar properties include those derived from bone marrow, placenta, umbilical cord blood, and dental pulp. However, adipose-derived stem cells are preferred in our clinic because they can be easily obtained in large quantities from adipose tissue.

Treatment for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a persistent sensation of pain that differs from acute pain. While acute pain resolves as the underlying illness, injury, or burn improves and heals, chronic pain persists even after the underlying cause has been eliminated. Pain is a subjective experience that varies from person to person in terms of expression and perception. In the case of chronic pain, the pain itself becomes a disease.

Stem cell therapy for chronic pain aims to repair damaged tissues using the regenerative properties of one's own adipose-derived stem cells. Additionally, it helps alleviate pain by suppressing inflammation, which is a common cause of pain, through the secretion of anti-inflammatory factors.

Treatment Process

  1. Consultation
    You will undergo a medical examination by a doctor.
  2. Blood Collection
    A blood sample will be taken to conduct blood tests and check for any infections.
  3. Adipose Tissue Harvest
    Approximately 10g of adipose tissue will be harvested by making an incision in the abdominal skin.
  4. Cultivation
    The harvested fat will undergo a cultivation process, which takes approximately 4 weeks.
  5. Administration
    The cultivated mesenchymal stem cells will be reintroduced into your body via intravenous infusion.

About the Treatment

Harvesting of adipose tissue

  • Treatment Time: Approximately 60 minutes
  • Pain: Anesthesia will be used, but you may experience some discomfort after the procedure
  • Swelling, Bruising: Swelling and bruising: Will typically fade within about 2 weeks
  • Shower: Possible from the day of treatment
  • Bathing: Possible from the day after treatment
  • Scars: Approximately 8-20 mm on the abdomen
  • Suture Removal: No suture removal is necessary as absorbable sutures are used

Cell Therapy

  • Treatment Time: Approximately 60 minutes


  • Pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • Hypersensitivity to anesthetic agents
  • Positive results for infection testing
  • History of allergic reaction to Amphotericin B
  • Patients under 20 years old or over 80 years old
  • Patients with concomitant malignant tumors
  • Other patients deemed unsuitable by the physician


What kind of effects can be expected from the treatment?
The therapy aims to improve and alleviate symptoms of chronic pain through the anti-inflammatory properties and wound healing abilities of stem cells.
How soon can the effects of the treatment be felt?
While individual experiences may vary, many individuals start to notice the effects within a few days to a few weeks after the cell infusion.
How long do the effects last?
Individual experiences may vary, but many individuals experience the effects for several months to up to three years.
Is one treatment session sufficient?
While it is possible to experience benefits from a single stem cell infusion, it is important to note that complete elimination of pain cannot be guaranteed with just one session. Multiple treatment sessions are often recommended to achieve optimal results.
Where and how much fat is harvested?
A:Approximately 10 grams of fat is collected through a small incision in the abdomen (near the navel). The procedure takes about 30 minutes.
Is there any pain during fat harvesting?
Local anesthesia is used, so there is minimal pain. However, you may feel some discomfort during the fat extraction process.
After fat harvesting, you may experience abdominal pain and discomfort for a few days, as well as ongoing bruising for about a week. There is also a possibility of allergic reactions to the local anesthesia.
Are there any precautions to take after fat collection?
Avoid bathing, drinking alcohol, and engaging in intense physical activity on the day of the surgery.
Are there any precautions after fat harvesting?
Please refrain from bathing, drinking alcohol, and engaging in vigorous exercise on the day of the surgery.
How are the stem cells administered?
Stem cells are administered intravenously through an infusion.
Are there any precautions to take after stem cell therapy?
There are no special precautions to take after stem cell therapy.
How long does it take from fat harvesting to cell administration?
It takes about 4 weeks to culture the stem cells.










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